Yesturday we spent the day with Reyes, Natalie and Grace. We met them when we went to China to adopt Rachael. Grace and Rachael are fromt he same orphanage. They are my kind of people. How I wished they lived closer. It was so nice to be able to visit with them and talk. Robby had a ball playing with Grace. She is so adorable. They looked really cute together.
On the way to their house, about an hours drive with no traffic, I saw a snow capped mountain. Now my midwestern brain can't wrap itself around the fact that Southern California has snow in May! I'm sorry, that midwest brain says it should be sunny and every one who isn't a super well dressed celebrity in designer clothes should be running around in bikinis with long flowing blonde hair. (ok, not the muscel bound guys. they can wear trunks). Seriously the snow in May did surprise me. This little rant, or whatever you call it, makes me wonder what people in California think of those of us who live in the mid-west.
One further note on Robby. He slept really well last night, not surprising after how hard he played. However, he has one period where he woke up and was wimpering because his ear hurt, was itchy and his cap was hot. He fussed and couln't get comfortable for about 10 minutes and then went back to sleep.
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