Robby's ear is out is what one of Robby's classmates said the first day Robby came to school with his ear uncovered. I thought that was funny. The kids all looked at it and them that was that. A couple of them said they couldn't touch Robby (they had to be careful). I told them they could touch him, hug him etc; they just couldn't hit him across the side of the head. They thought that was funny. He is doing really well. His cup has been off for a week now. The ear looks really good. I have to put ointment on it every night. He complained about it hurting the first few nights. It no longer hurts him to have the oinment put on. He says he can hear better since he got his new ear. I am not sure if that is because the sound is funneled to his ear canal better or if it relates to the fact that Dr. R cleaned his canal out really good. Dr. R said their was a lot of gunk in his ear before surgery. Because the canal is not a natural canal, his ear doesn't natural push the ear wax out and clean itself. He has to have it cleaned by an ENT periodically and it had been a while since he had that done.
The scalp is looking better. He had a lot of crusty scab stuck in his hair. We are working on soaking that and getting it out. Not an experience he likes. These pitures were taken four weeks after surgery.