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Tuesday, July 17

Sick - but not of china!

I was sick Monday and most of Tuesday, with some kind of bug that wore me out and made me weak, along with the Traveler's Scourge -- nuf sed.  While the family went out shopping and on a river cruise, I spent the day in bed sleeping and reading, except for two hours in the lobby and by the pool waiting for housekeeping to clean the room.  Fortunately, it seems to mostly have run it's course, and was likely just something I ate Sunday, perhaps at KFC. 

Besides being cooped up and not able to enjoy the resort, it's also leaving me less prepared than I would like for the flight home.  I was still pretty groggy this evening, so it's iffy.  Please remember me in your prayers, and all of us for that matter, as we have quite a long and stressful day tomorrow.

Being knocked out of commission for a few days, plus a $25/day charge for Internet at the hotel, has put quite a dent in our blogging.  We'll catch up soon.

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