We get that question many times, and it comes in many forms. The underlying question is often:
- You're freaking 42 years old, why are you adopting?
- Why are you adopting a 4th child, are you crazy?
- Wait, you have two teenagers, and a toddler, and you're adding another toddler?
- You already have a special needs child, why would you adopt a child with a health problem?
There are even some folks that insinuate something to the effect, "If you're going all the way to China, why aren't you getting a 'perfect' child?"
Prejudice aside, this is a complicated question, wrapped around the three little letters "why". Why indeed!
When we decided to adopt Rachael, it was also a difficult decision, and one that God spoke to Becca about first, then it worked it's way into my heart. Or, as I like to say, Becca whispered it into my ear, it fell to my wallet where it caused a sharp pain in the a$$, then slowly melted my heart. Now, I wouldn't trade Rachael for the world. She is our daughter, through and through, and I couldn't imagine life without her in our family. We have three wonderful daughters, each with their own personality. Are they always perfect, good, loving and lovable? Heck, are any of us? But I love them with every fiber in my being.
So, that's the background. I'll continue this in another post.
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