She seems healthy, and the orphanage reported that she tracks visually, responds to sounds, likes music and playing, responds to her own name, and is impatient and obstinate at times. It looks like she may already be a Little Emperor, and that should help her fit in well to be pampered and spoiled rotten. Mom is bouncing off walls, Dad is experiencing back pains from being bent around her little finger, and Emily is definitely excited (Kayla is away at camp). After blowing some dough getting the last (?) of baby purchases at Babies R Us, we celebrated with banana splits and sundaes at UDF. The marks on the forehead look to be glue smudge-marks from scanning, next to the attractive staple on the photo.
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See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. -Exodus 23:20
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