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Tuesday, November 20

Amazing what Robby can hear

Robby has had the surgery now for two weeks, and we've noticed that he's able to hear things that he never noticed before.  He walked by the dishwasher while it was running the other day, and cocked his head, listened, then excitedly pointed and said, "Mommy, water, water!"  So far, the list of sounds he's hearing for the first time include: toilets flushing, toilets filling, dishwasher running, whispers, rain, milk sloshing inside a shaken coconut, the sound Hot Wheels make on a track, cats growling, the sounds of several toys, and many more.  His world is full of sounds he's never heard before, and that will only improve as he gets the plugs and packing out of his ear.
This has been a humbling, overwhelming and exciting time, and my heart is full.  The work that the Let Them Hear Foundation and the California Ear Institute does is truly remarkable, and my son has received a gift he can never repay.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. It's nice to learn that the surgery is successful for Robby. When will you send Robby for ear reconstruciton surgery? What kind of surgery will you chose for him? Rib graft or medpor implant?

A mother of Chinese boy with Microtia on right ear. Jessie

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

How is Robby doing as of 2008?
Havent had any update in along time.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you for your web site. Our daughter just had her surgery and we are 3 weeks out. How is Robby doing?? Hope all is well. Would love to see an update.

Mom to a Chinese Girl with microtia/Atresia on left :)