We're in Guangzhou now, which is the huge city formerly known as Canton, at the head of the Pearl River Delta, near Hong Kong. We're staying at the famous White Swan Hotel, the first 5-star hotel in China, and located on Shamian Island on the Pearl River. This is truly an international 5-star hotel, and is beautiful. Like the brochure for the hotel says, it is truly an oasis in a bustling city. We got in rather later from our flight from Fuzhou, and didn't get to our room until after 9:30, so did little else but crash. Fortunately, it's a very comfortable room (with the small exception of the apparent Chinese preference for sleeping on a surface resembling concrete with a sheet over it), so we all dropped right off, and didn't get up until 8 the next morning. So far, Rachael has slept through the night every time, getting at least 8 hours a night, and has only stirred a few times tossing in her sleep. Since she puts up with Daddy's snoring without a peep, we can hardly blame her. The waterfall pictured is the one in the lobby.
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